Thursday, September 30, 2010


What You Probably Did Not Know about Watermelons.

According to scientists from Texas A&M University, watermelon increases secretion of NITRIC OXIDE. As you know, N.O. plays a vital role in muscle pumps, sexual performance and prevention of heart disease and diabetes. It is high in lycopene and beta-carotene to fight free radicals (metabolic waste) in the blood stream that are linked to heart disease and aging. Watermelon also helps prevent insulin resistance, aids in digestion and is one of the best immune system boosters on the planet, which leads to..

N.O. and Your Glutamine Supplementation

N.O. How does it work? Your blood vessels are lined with cells that release a chemical called nitric oxide, made from arginine and oxygen. N.O. helps you lift and fuck by fueling muscles with hormones and oxygen. The body also makes N.O. from citrulline, a non essential amino acid. Long story short, glutamine interferes with citrulline stimulated N.O. production. Excessive glutamine intake for the sake of boosting the immune system should be avoided. 

Egg Time

Wake up, wonder where you are or who you are while you stumble to the kitchen to crack open half a dozen eggs and start the morning. Yup, we've all been through it. Our misinformed friends love to tell us about the high cholesterol levels in eggs and that we should be careful in eating too much. Truth is, several scientific studies found that egg consumption was not related to the risk of heart attacks or strokes, a common effect of high cholesterol levels. This because eggs do not increase levels of LDL-Cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Eating eggs as part of a low -carb diet actually increase HDL-cholesterol levels and supply important antioxidants. So keep at it.

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