Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dorian Yates

Full Name    : Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates
Nickname    : The Shadow, The Bulldog, The Beast of Britain
D.O.B.        : April 19, 1962
Hometown   : Staffordshire, England
Competitive Record: Amateur World Games - 7th Place (1985)
                                British Championships   - 1st Place (1986, 1988 overall)
                                Night of Champions      -  2nd, 1st   (1990. 1991)
                                Mr Olympia                  -  2nd, 1st x 6 ('91 , '92-'97)
                                English Grand Prix        -  1st place x 4('91, ' 92,'94,'96)
                                Spanish Grand Prix       -  1st place x 2('94, '96)
                                German Grand Prix       -  1st place x 2('94, '96)

Height:                     : 5' 10''
Off Season Weight   : 308lbs.    
Competitive Weight  : 268 lbs.

Competition measurements:
                               Chest    :     57"(144.78 cm)
                               Arms    :     21"(53.34 cm)
                               Waist    :     34"(86.36 cm)
                               Thigh    :     32"(81.28 cm)
                               Calf      :     21"(53.34 cm)
He was forced to retire after his 1997 Olympia victory due to chronic injuries that accumulated over his career span of fifteen 1st place placements and two 2nd place placements. Several of the more notable injuries include a torn bicep and tricep 3 weeks before his '97 Olympia.

Dorian now runs a franchise called Temple Gym, with its original location in Birmingham, England. Temple Gym currently has four branches, three of which are in the UK. 
In 2008, he started a supplement line under the company name Dorian Yates Nutrition. The line offers a whey protein powder Tempro, a mass gaining formula Formass, nitric oxide booster NOX PUMP and fat burner CRXCUT.

Dorian Yates' presence is still strong in the industry, as he is always participating in seminars and personal training activity to help further the sport of bodybuilding. He is acknowledge by all as a legendary example of dedication and perseverance. As a pioneer and champion, Dorian Yates' name will always go hand in hand with the true legacy of bodybuilding .

Random Facts-

Dorian grew up on a farm, where his mother taught horseback riding.
His father died of a heart attack at age 42 when Dorian was 13 years old.
Dorian's childhood was devoid of any competitive sports; in fact he was affiliated with a skinhead gang. 
At age 19, Dorian was arrested and sentenced to 6 months in Whatton Youth Detention Center after he partook in a riot. He began lifting weights at this point of his life.
One of Dorian's first jobs was at a slaughterhouse.
He now resides in Coldfield, England. He is separated his wife Debbie. He has two children, Lewis and Tahnee.

Dorian Yates as a human being, not a 268 lb concrete support. (from interview)


"Learning how to relax. The greatest challenge for a professional athlete is coping with the transition to retirement, and it was not easy for me. It's hard to replace the adrenaline rush of competition. No matter how much money you make in business, nothing can substitute for the rush of winning."

GREATEST REGRET: "That I suffered the injury that forced me to retire."


QUALITY YOU MOST ADMIRE IN PEOPLE: "Honesty and devotion to helping and are compelled to become self-absorbed and that's why I appreciate people with empathy for others."

QUALITY YOU MOST DISLIKE IN PEOPLE: "Dishonesty and deceit."

WEIGHT AT FIRST CONTEST: 1985 Novice West Coast in Morecambe, England. "I won the show at 210 pounds."

EARLY BODYBUILDING INFLUENCES AND ROLE MODELS: Torn Platz, Mike Mentzer and Casey Viator. "I was inspired by the example of the athletes who trained hardcore."

OLYMPIA HIGHLIGHT. Winning the 1993 Mr. Olympia. "Many people would expect me to single out, '92--my first Olympia title one year after Lee Haney had retired--but repeating and making significant improvements in '93 proved that I was serious about staying on top."

OLYMPIA LOW POINT: The 1997 Olympia in Long Beach, California. "I tore my triceps tendon three weeks before the show. I had massive bruising and was not able to train properly. The tendon was quite literally hanging on by a thread."

LEGACY YOU HOPE TO LEAVE: "The idea that it takes hard work and sweat to get what you want in life."

WORDS YOU HOPE TO HEAR WHEN YOU GET TO THE PEARLY GATES: "As long as the door opens. He can say whatever he wants."

Dorian Yates : Blood and Guts


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