Monday, September 20, 2010

Lady Iron

There's a bitch I'm seeing who goes by the name of Lady.

I love her cus she's always been there for me.
Ever since the days when I'd barely be able to squeeze out two push ups.
Through victories, when I felt like the strongest in the world. 
Past times of burning humiliation and failure.

She never complains or calls me at the wrong times, but when we got a date,
she'll knock me on my ass if I look like I'm not commited.

When we fuck, I'm the one left limping for the days.

She wont freak when I'm pissed off and ready to kill.
In fact, she's the only woman who can keep up with someone like myself.
Always one step ahead of me, ready to calm me down and remind me of my true purpose.

I vowed to dedicate my life to her, as she has to mine.
No longer am I to weather this hell called Life on my own.
For she is my journey, as well as my destination.

for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part

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